The Basics of Melee

The main controller that people use for Melee is the standard Gamecube Controller. This controller features 2 sticks, a d-pad, A B X and Y buttons, L and R triggers, a Z button, and a start button.

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Object of the Game

Unlike other fighting games that keep track of a character's health, Melee keeps track of damage in the form of a % value starting from 0 and going to 999. The higher a character's percent, the further they will get launched when attacked. The most played mode is one that involves 2 players, each having 4 lives. You will lose a life if your character is knocked off the stage.

Basic Controls

you can move your character with the directional stick (the one on the left). This stick will make you move left and right, as well as crouch when angled down, and jump when angled up. Jumping can also be performed with X or Y. If the stick is moved left or right quickly, your character will dash instead of walk. Basic attacks can be done using the A button. The kind of attack will be different depending on the direction you angle the directional stick when you press the A button, and whether or not your character is in the air. The B button uses special attacks, that are different depending on the direction of the directional stick as well. This allows for plenty of attack options for each character. You can push the L or R trigger to shield. Shielding will make a force-field around your character that will block attacks. The shield will slowly get smaller as it is used and takes damage. If an attack hits part of your character that is popping out of the shield, you will get hit. The shield will grow back to its original size as long as you don't use it for a while. While you are shielding, your character is able to jump as normal, or grab by pushing A. You can grab without shielding by pressing the Z button.